CBHS Choice Network Dentist
Even with health/dental insurance, most health funds may only cover some of the dental service cost. This may prevent some people to come for their regular check-ups and cleanings. That's why we Burwood Family Dentist have decided to become part of the CBHS choice network. This allow us to treat CBHS patients with high-quality dental care while they know they are fully covered for oral check-up, scale and clean and fluoride treatment*.
Burwood Family Dentist is a CBHS Choice Network Dentist, which means that you will not need to pay any gap on selected preventive dental services* (item no.'s). This not only includes general dental check-ups, x-rays, scale/clean and Fluoride application., but also may include custom made mouthguard for sports. The full list of item no.'s covered under this arrangement is as follows:
- General dental consult/examination (011/ 012/ 013),
- X-rays (022)
- Scale and clean (111/ 114/ 115)
- Fluoride application (121)
- Custom-crafted mouthguard (151 /152)
- Fissure sealants (161)
We have a HICPAS facility at our practice which means we can process your dental health fund claim on the spot so you will not need to pay anything upfront for these preventative dental services* or very little depending on your CBHS dental cover.
Contact us now for your next preventive dental appointment.
* Subject to CBHS waiting period, overall limit and restrictions. If you are unsure, please check with CBHS if you are entitled to these benefits, or we can quote them for you first on the spot.