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Dental teeth root


Root Canal Therapy (also known as endodontics, or  also refers as RCT by dentists) is a dental treatment which aims to save the "dead" or infected tooth in order to make it pain free and functional. The pulp is the dental soft tissue which is located inside the tooth and is made up of nerves and blood vessels.

Root canal therapy is usually done  over a number of visits. Root canal therapy is not always a painful experience as some may believe, Once local anaesthetic is given, the procedure is mostly pain free. Occasionally there may be some minor pain or tenderness after the treatment, this may be relieved by taking some analgesics.

root canal therapy

Deep caries

causing pulpal infection, tooth to die

and an infection in

the dental bone

Root canal infection

Deep restoration  

causing tooth to die

and an infection in

the dental bone

RCT root canal therapy

Completed root canal: cleaned and sealed canals with gutta percha and dental cement.

Root canal treatment completed

Infection resolved and healed dental bone, after successful root canal treatment

What does Root Canal Therapy involve?

  • The infected pulp is removed through an opening in the  tooth

  • Following this, the root canals are cleaned, disinfected and shaped so that the canals can later be filled.

  • In between visits, some medications are used to help to kill the bacteria inside the canals and a temporary filling is placed  to cover the opening .

  • Several X-rays may also be taken to determine the lengths and apices of the tooth canals

  • The tooth canals will then be filled with some rubber material, usually Gutta percha and dental cement. This seal will help to prevent bacteria from re-infect the canals.

  • The final step involves restoring the tooth. Most of the time, a crown (cap) will be required to protect the tooth for long term, especially for back teeth (premolars and molars)

What causes the tooth to die or be infected?

  • deep or aggressive tooth decay which reach down to the pulp (dental nerve area)

  • deep fillings

  • facial injury or trauma (e.g. blow to a tooth or jaw)

  • Cracks within the tooth

  • idiopathic (unknow cause)

Can all teeth  be saved with root canal therapy?

  • Not all teeth  but the majority can be saved.  Teeth with vertical root fracture for example have a poor to  hopeless prognosis  to treatment.

  • A few cases of completed root canal treatment may not respond well even after completion and may require further treatments or referral to specialists (endodontists).

How successful are root canal therapy?

  • From some studies, the success rate of root canal therapy can vary from 65% to 95% over different periods of observation (1 to 8 years)  . Such variation in the success rate may be due to different criteria to define what is a successful root canal treatment or root canal treated tooth.

  • Generally speaking, root canal therapy does have a good success rate but it will depend on many factors such as

    • the initial finding and diagnosis: Why does the tooth need to have root canal treatment in the first place. Is it because dental caries have reached the pulp or the tooth has a crack. Is there any pathologies present already in the dental bone prior to commencement of the root canal treatment.

    • the anatomy of the root systems: front teeth have usually a much better prognosis or success rate than back teeth or molars, as front teeth usually have a single and relatively straight canal while molars have  complex and multiple canals. On the other hand, a few front teeth may also have complex and multiple canals.

    • the remaining tooth structure

    • timing of the final restoration: bacteria in the mouth can enter the treated canal area. Any leakage into the canal system will reduce the long term success of the root canal treatment. A crown may be the imperative long term option for back teeth and some other front teeth (see note below)

    • Condition of the other teeth or dentition: parafunction such as grinding and clenching, malocclusion


How long does the tooth last after root canal treatment?

  • The material used to seal the root canals may last for a lifetime.  A crown is usually recommended and imperative especially for posterior teeth after root canal therapy as the tooth tends to become more brittle and more likely to fracture.

  • The most common cause for root canal therapy is extensive and deep decay. As a result the actual remaining tooth structure may be limited, weak and not strong enough to hold the filling. A standard filling may not able to provide a proper seal, nor be strong and durable enough.  This is also another reason why a crown is generally recommended as the final restoration.

  • To answer the question in a simple way, once a tooth had endodontic treatment completed and restored with a proper restoration such as a crown, it can last as long as your other natural teeth. 

  • However regular dental check-ups and home care are also very important, as with any dental treatment including crown after root canal therapy.

root canal crown
A crown is recommended as the final restoration for the root canal treated molar.
root canal treated tooth
An endodontic file is used to clean and shape the root canals 

How much does root canal therapy cost in Sydney, NSW Australia?

The cost of root canal treatment in Sydney for a tooth depends on many factors such as the type of teeth, the numbers of canals, and complexity of the canal states. In Australia, the average cost for root canal therapy can range from $967 to $1813 according the ADA 2020 national dental fees survey (by applying the common item no's used for RCT and the national mean fee per item no.)

Front teeth usually only have one root canal and would be more easily to be performed than a back tooth or molar. Back teeth or molars can have 2 to 4 canals and it would be harder to carry out root canal treatment on those teeth. Hence the treatment cost of root canal for back teeth would be on the higher end of the range, while the cost for front teeth would be on the lower end.

This cost is only for the Root canal treatment and does not cover other related dental procedures such as the final restoration and the initial consultation fees. If you need to see a root canal specialist know as endodontist, the cost will be much more (Read more on "what is an endodontist" below).  The average cost mentioned above is for root canal therapy carried out by a general dental practitioner.

Root canal cost at Burwood Family Dentist, Sydney NSW

Our fee for root canal therapy normally starts from $900 to $1600 per tooth depending on individual case. Note that this estimated price range is the cost for the "standard" root canal treatment only.  It does not include the initial consult /examination and  pre-operative x-ray fees to assess the tooth. Sometimes the tooth may also need to be temporarily restored prior to commencing root canal treatment.  The fees will also be higher for retreatment of teeth which already had root canal therapy. Our dentists will always discuss with you with the options and costs associated with root canal treatment.  If you have health insurance, we can provide you a dental treatment plan with all the associated items no. and costs which you can take it to your health fund to find out how much they will cover.

What is an Endodontist?

  • Not many website of general dentists would mention this on their webpage, but for the full understanding on this topic of root canal therapy, this has been included.

  • An endodontist is a "dentist" specialised in root canal treatment. Endodontists are specialists in this field of dentistry.

  • While general dentists can and do perform root canal treatment, there are some circumstances where they may need to refer the patient to see an endodontist such as:

    • complex root canal system or anatomy which general dentists may not have the skills and ​specialised equipment and technology to perform such difficult and specialised procedure.

    • endodontic re-treatment: if you had a previous root canal treatment that was not successful and needs to be redone

    • endodontic surgeries: for example apicectomy which are surgeries to remove the infected tissue and tip of the tooth's root, usually performed on previously failed conventional root canal treated tooth.

  • However, your general dentist should be the first person you should see for your oral and dental care. Your general dentist will diagnose your dental problem first,  determine and discuss what treatment options are available... Only then your general dentist may decide to refer you to  see other dental specialists, if needed. Endodontics are just one of the many dental specialties in dentistry. 

  • Lastly, the cost for root canal therapy at Burwood Family Dentist is likely to be much lower if the tooth can be treated by a general dentist, rather than by a specialist or endodontist. There may also be a long waiting time before you can  be seen by an endodontist, your dentist may able to carry out some temporary treatment to relieve you  from pain or discomfort. such as removing most of the nerve tissues from the tooth pulp.  Your dentist may also be able to remove decay and restore the tooth temporarily, preventing the tooth from getting more decayed further before you can consult the endodontist. So if you think you may need a root canal treatment, contact us first for a consult with one of our Burwood dentists .


Dental Clinic Hours:

Monday to Friday               9:30am to 6:30pm

Saturday                             9:00am to 6:00pm

Sunday                               closed

Public Holidays                  closed

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